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Corporate Prophecies for the Body Of Christ - By Rev. Howard Richardson

The texts in bold/underlined indicate our responsibilities as believers through the prophecies (i.e. What God expects of us). As you focus on these and do your part diligently, the rest of His promises will surely follow; for He is a faithful God. Our desire is to see a mature body of Christ, and His believers coming to their full potential and blessings!


For the Lord shall take out of the hands of others that have misused and abused. The Lord shall take from them, that have had the blessing and will take that blessing and give it to those that have had it not. For thou has seen My hand in this house from time to time. For you that have walked here and stayed here, have seen how I move for the people. But the day is upon you says the Lord, that I draw a line and I bring things to an end. I halter and stop. This shall be a day of a new peace and a new joy for my church. That before you close out the year, says the Lord, you will see the movement of what I am going to bring to you as My chosen people. For I have chosen you out of many, says the Lord. I called you out from amongst those and I've made thee to be different. And the enemy has tried to change thee and make thee like what others are. Even in My house, says the Lord, but I have not called thee to look and to walk and to act and to think as those who walk outside My spirit, who think and act and do, according to what this religious day is all about. I've called you to walk after thus saith the Lord as My people. And this shall be a prophetic church and I will raise it up saith the Lord. And out of it will be voices that will speak for Me, that will go all over the nation as well as into other nations, saith the Lord. My voices shall go forth and ministries shall spring up.


Where there's been no ministry and where there's been no prophetic anointing and where there's been no healing, shall healing spring up, and the Word of the Lord shall be found. For this is a time saith God, that thou has walked through, that there's been a famine for the hearing of My words. And no longer do I speak, as I once spoke. For I've held back, saith God, the word that is in My mouth. For I have spoken and spoken, and the people, many, have not obeyed to hear. But you that will hear, saith the Lord, there's a going on into a greater blessing that is now before you. I open the door now saith God, and I call you to go in to this new place that is in the spirit. And in that place, saith the Lord, I will keep thee and thy households and I will keep your prosperity and I will bless thee. For this is an hour, saith God, that I will gather My eagles, and I will gather those that are of a like spirit and a like mind, in the Holy Ghost and thou shall become a mighty army, says God. Even though thou art small, saith the Lord, thou shall become a mighty army in the city.


And the word of the Lord shall go out from this house and many shall touch the sick for healing and many shall touch others for deliverance. And spirits and powers of addiction shall be broken off of many. For I, the Lord, speak this day, that there is a drawing to an end but the beginning, saith the Lord is something new for My people is on the horizon, that is springing up like a new day sun, that is rising out of the east. For I see thy sacrifice and I see the ashes that are on the east end of thy alter, says the Lord. And the record of that, that thou has given to Me, shall not be in vain, saith God, where thou has paid a price, for the Lord has spoken. For a new anointing shall spring up, new revelation truth shall spring up, a new walk for My church shall spring up. And where there has been no love saith God, there shall be a coming together of a love that has not been in My house, for the Lord has spoken. For the Lord has spoken. For I break these powers and principalities, saith the Lord. I break these authorities that have come over My people and many have drowned under the authority of the darkness that has circumference them roundabout. But this is a day that I bring many out and I bring them up.


And I say for some, return unto Me and I will return unto you. And I will show thee kindness as I showed Israel. Even in the day of Isaiah, I blessed the people double for their sins that they had committed. Do you know, that I the Lord, will bless thee as a people, who are coming out of the things that don't belong to them? That I will bless them double, saith the Lord and restore to you the things that have been taken by the powers of darkness and I will give it back unto thee, in a different kind and in a different way, different quality and quantity. Thou shall have more than enough. For the blessing is upon thee saith God. My voice is with thee and it goeth before thee into every new day now. Even before the close of this year, many shall see My hand and know. Surely thou shall know that I am the Lord thy God and that I change not and that what I have done for others, I will do for thee. And where I have moved mountains at thy speaking saith the Lord, thou shall see it again. That thou shall ask God a thing and because thou abideth in Me, thou shall say unto the mountain, be thou removed, and it shall be cast into the sea. And thou shall remember it no more, for the Lord has removed it out of the way. Open thy mouth, you that abide in Me, that have walked with Me this year and what you will at the end of this year. For I will begin to cause miracles of blessing, doors of blessings, ministry to open also, for those that are My ministers, that shall go out in a great way. No longer shall you sit but this is a day that I will cause many to become busy for me and thy hands shall be occupied for the Lord and thou shall see great, great revival, where I send thee saith God. Where others have had no revival, thou shall have an out-pour. Where others have had no miracles in their coming, thou shall have miracles before the people and the people shall know that I am with thee and that thy anointing that is upon thee, is from God. 

Lift up thy heavy hearts, for I see the burden that has been upon thee this year. You that are even My ministers, that the enemy has burden thee down. Burdened thee under a great load, cast off that load and thy cares unto Me this day, saith God. For I am going to work miracles on your behalf. Come unto Me, ye that are burdened says God and I will give thee rest. Even My ministers, I will give thee rest, from the battle and from the fight and thou shall come forth victorious. For the Lord has spoken this day. For the end of all things is upon thee, but the beginning of that which is in Me, is before you who hear My voice and obey Me. For the Lord has spoken. Behold, I open a door, that no man can close. For the Lord has spoken. Lift up those hands this day in this house and praise Me said the Lord.


1/14/2019 Miracle Monday Night - Corporate Word 


For surely the Lord shall open up doors in this year. Doors for the laborer. Doors for those that are My little ones that suffer in this natural realm. And where there are no doors for employment, where there are no doors  for construction work, where there are no doors for contract labor, where there are no doors saith the Lord, I am getting ready to open up doors for My little ones that have suffered without finances. And in their hands saith the Lord where there has been no offerings, shall the Lord cause the heavens to begin to rain down with angels. That the angels shall come and begin to open the door saith the Lord for jobs. For those that are in My house among My people, there shall come forth a miracle of blessing financially. And the laborers is worthy of his hire, saith the Lord. And I see in this house, even this night says the Lord where there's been closed doors for your finances, the Lord is getting ready to open the door and the miracle of a new blessing is getting ready to take place.


I'm going to bless your hand, saith the Lord, for those that labor. I'm going to bless those that have no doors. That your doors are going to open. I'm going to bless saith the Lord that there's going to be contract work. I'm going to bless, saith the Lord, to where the miracle of what has not been there, shall now come forth. And the angels of the Lord shall gather up unto your doorstep the blessing that belongs to thee this night. And you that have stayed with Me and continued with Me and walked in faith even though your hands have very little and didn't know how you were gonna make it from one week to the next, one month to the next. I say unto thee that the miracle of a new blessing is now upon thee that in this month of January, as you journey, saith the Lord, in faith concerning that which you are looking for, I'm going to open the doors and everything you put your hand to, is going to prosper. And you're going to know the blessing that belongs to thee saith Lord. And before the springtime comes in, before the heat of the summer ever comes in upon you, you're going to know that I've moved, you're going to know that the angels have come, you're going to know saith the Lord that I've moved for something brand new for My people. Lift up your heart this night and praise Me all over this house, saith the Lord.


For I open, even unto you preachers, even unto you saith the Lord that have had no doors. I'm going to open your doors saith the Lord. I'm going to make a way and where there has been no path saith God to walk upon, I'm going to cause a path saith the Lord that you will be busy. You'll be busy in carrying My Word. You'll be busy preaching revivals. You're going to be busy saith the Lord, for the Lord has spoken this night. And if you will praise Me in this house, an anointing shall fall upon thee on this Monday, on this Monday night and an anointing shall fall upon thee in this service. And that anointing that is upon thee, shall be for the blessing of your ministry, for your business, for what you do with your hands, for the Lord has already done it. Praise Me in this house.

For I have heard your prayers saith the Lord. You that have prayed and that have cried out through the year of 2018, I know your voice. I have heard your cry and even the Lord shall answer. For behold, am I not greater than that which is against thee? That which works in darkness? Did I not show thee for many, saith the Lord, that I've loved? I've even hid from you saith the Lord those that went behind you, behind the scenes and the evil that is in their heart in the darkness to try to destroy thee and I've hid it from you, saith the Lord, because I did not want your heart to be hurt; because thou art Mine and you belong to Me. And I hid it from thee that thou would not be troubled nor be disturbed because of that which is close to thy life but I say unto thee that this is a day that I will judge that, that has worked against thee. The evil, saith the Lord, that has been hiding in the darkness in your lives, shall the Lord send forth, even as I send forth My angels to bring forth a new financial blessing and rain down My angels from heaven. I will rain them down and this shall be a day saith the Lord that I will go to battle and I will go to battle and the darkness, saith the Lord, that you don't even know has gone on behind thy back to try to destroy thee and hurt thee and harm thee.


For the Lord is with thee and the Lord shall undergird thee this day by the visitation of His Spirit. And His Spirit shall come saith the Lord as thou has not known. Even through the year of 2019 I say unto thee that there is a visitation that is now upon thee that the heavens are open and I'm opening those heavens saith the Lord for I say unto thee enough is enough. And the Lord shall arise. The Lord shall arise from where He has been quiet and where He has been silent and where He has not moved. And the Lord shall arise and His enemies, saith the Lord, shall be scattered. And the Lord shall scatter His enemies in this day and I say unto thee I am greater than that which is against thee. For behold I open unto you My military and unto thee saith the Lord the work of My power that is seeking to destroy thee, thou shall not be destroyed in thy bodies. Thou shall not be destroyed by those that are of your families. Thou shall not be destroyed in your ministries by those that work against thee. Thou shall not be destroyed by the adversary saith the Lord. For I arise, as I spoke today that I will arise and I will arise and I will fight for thee and thy battle is no longer thine but the Lord's battle and I say the victory is in My hand already and as Israel went out to battle and I sent forth those to praise before those that went into battle. I sent My praisers to praise before My warriors. I say unto thee this night as you praise Me, Amen, My victory is with you now and I say unto thee the battle is not yours. And I say unto thee an open door is given unto thee that I will devour the wicked one. I will devour the adversary. I will devour those that, I say unto thee, saith the Lord, those that are working in darkness against thee. And I will raise up a standard now, for the enemy has come in like a flood but the Lord shall raise up a standard and I say unto thee lift up thy voice and praise Me . Lift up thy voice and praise Me saith the Lord. Lift up thy voice and shout unto the heavens.

For I will avenge thee saith the Lord. I will avenge thee and thou shall see My hand and know that I have not left thee alone. Thou art not alone anymore.


The mountain tops, the high places, shall be brought low saith the Lord. The high places that are in My house, demonic authorities, the pride saith the Lord of those that seek to work in darkness shall be brought low. Even as it was in the Old Testament, I say unto thee, that when the prophet was alone, only with his servant, and the prophet looked upon the mountain tops and saw the armies that were against them but behind them, saith the Lord, that the army of the Lord was greater than those that were against him. I say unto thee this night, you that will hear My voice, for the Lord is speaking that there is more with you than what is against thee and I say unto thee, it is better, it was better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and to be cast into the sea than to have offended and touched one of My little ones.


Even the Lord is with thee this night and thou has not known it. Some have not known it but you that have known it, there shall be a greater praise in thy mouth from this day forth. For thou has waited for the Lord to move, thou has waited on Me saith God, that I would avenge thee and I'm going to avenge thee in this day. Oh watch and see. Look, even as I spoke from October 31st, I spoke, saith the Lord, from this house, I say unto thee that, that which I have spoken is upon them now. Devastation, Judgement, Calamity, Trouble, but thou shall rise saith the Lord into a new blessing and thou shall come out of the fire and thou shall come out of those things that have worked against thee saith the Lord. For the wicked one is destroyed saith the Lord and all that he has done is in My hand now saith the Lord. And I see thy heart that thou has continued with Me and you've not left the work of God, you've not left what I've called you to do and you've not left your faith. And I say unto thee that because of that, I move this night for a miracle. That this is thy Miracle Monday Night and I move for a miracle saith the Lord. And it is with thee now and in thy hands. Lift up your hands, saith the Lord. Lift up your hands, for I fill your hands with the miracle that belongs with thee.

10/15/2018 Monday Night - Word For The House


For only the Lord, says the Lord, has the power to go back into thy past. It is only the Lord God, that can pull from the past what has happened and make everything new. And where things have been destroyed says the Lord, behold I have the power for a new beginning, for My people. Did I not say through Isaiah the prophet, Behold I do a new thing? All that Israel walked through that destroyed them, I brought them back. I restored them. I brought them to the miracle that I ordained them, as a people to have. And surely thou shall say that the Lord has restored me, from my past and from those things that have been broken that I could not repair or fix. And it is the Lord that is with thee this night and in this house. And I say unto thee, if you'll lift up your life before Me and give Me praise this night as well as surrender thy whole life to Me, from this day forth and not hold anything in reserve, it shall come to pass, that I will reach into the past, saith the Lord and I will pull out a miracle that belongs to thee; That thou shall become a restored people of God. That the Lord shall restore His church. He will restore ministries and ministers. He will restore your anointing.


All the things that condemn thee, shall be taken from thee saith the Lord. All the things that the enemy has used to keep thee from the ministry that I've called thee to fulfill, shall be taken from thee and thou shall know that the Lord is with thee, from this night forth. And I would that thou would lift thy hands and praise Me in this house. For thou art not alone. My presence, My power, My Spirit and the anointing for your ministry is upon thee, for the Lord has spoken. Get ready for the doors that I am getting ready to open. Get ready for the miracles that are getting ready to manifest. Get ready for the newness of what I've prepared for thee says the Lord. For the old shall pass away, and shall be rolled up like a scroll and be found no more. And the Lord shall declare a new heaven and a new earth in your life and a new beginning shall manifest from this day forth, for the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house. Praise Me with your voices, saith the Lord. Lift up your hands and glorify Me. For I am worthy.


For even the Lord would say unto thee, that thou shall not get so old that you can not work for Me. Even in your flesh saith the Lord, will I cause thee to be a people, that I will preserve thee. And I will bring forth your health and I will bring forth your healing saith the Lord, that you can work for Me. Thou shall go on when others cannot go on. And thou shall minister with a strong anointing of My Spirit. For I will keep thee in this day saith the Lord, that thou shall not get so old that you cannot work for Me. For the Lord shall touch thee with His power and shall minister to thee and into thy body, saith the Lord, shall be a miracle from this day forth, for the Lord has spoken in this house.


Go on and do what I have called thee to do, saith the Lord, and consider not the years that thy life has come into but look at My Word and look at what I've said in My scriptures and know that as you stand upon them, that I will bring to pass what I've said. What I've said to others, I will make it real to you. And you will go on says the Lord, for thou art My Abraham, thou art My Moses, that thy eyes shall not wither, thy strength shall not be diminished. For the Lord shall keep thee strong through the years, if you will believe it says the Lord. For I speak unto this house and unto this people. Go on out and do what I have called you to do and the enemy shall not hinder thee anymore. For a new anointing is upon you saith the Lord, for your health, for your healing. And you shall see My hand, concerning prosperity. If you will praise Me in this house this night, you that are up in years, you shall see My hand from this day forth and know that I am the Lord God that kept Moses and Abraham and others before thee. I will keep thee also until thy ministry is finished, thus saith the Lord.

9/24/2018 Word For The House


I've let you rest, I hear the Lord say, I've let you rest. I've let you have time to rest. You that are My voices. You that are My handmaidens and My servants. I've let you rest and I've let you have time because of this day that you're dealing with and because of the people and the spirit of what they are about. I've let you have time to do nothing but the time shall come and is now upon thee, for the Lord shall open these doors that are shut. But now shall be opened by the hand of God and thou shall go out and be busy for the Lord. And thou shall reach a generation for the Lord that can be reached.

And in this nation, this nation shall go through its tribulation said the Lord and the people shall suffer many things because of their heart and their mind and their desire but it shall come to pass for My elected ones, for My chosen ones, thou shall rise up and go forth and grow up as calves of the stall and thou shall come forth into a new anointing and into a new blessing.


Your doors shall be new saith the Lord, that shall open unto thee; and thou shall see that this is a time saith God, that I will give miracles to those who are hearing My voice. Come aside, saith the Lord, and seek My face. I didn't say come apart from My people; I didn't say come apart from fellowshipping in My house; I said come aside and seek My face and to call upon Me, for I am near, saith the Lord, and if thou will repent from the evil of thy way and for the going forth of that which is of thy own desire, the Lord shall not allow thee to suffer so much as many have suffered says the Lord. Surely My servants have suffered and My prophets have suffered saith the Lord because of the spirit of this day and they've done without. But I say unto thee the heavens are open and the heavens are about to pour out the newness of a brand new blessing that has not been there in a long time. And I will prepare thee saith the Lord you that are My servants that are speaking. Surely the Lord shall bless thee in a new way, in a fresh way. And thy cup shall not only fill up but it shall run over, for the Lord has spoken.


Get ready for where I am going to lead thee as My voice and for the people that I am sending thee to that are hungry and ready to receive saith the Lord where others are not. Hear My voice, hear My cry, saith the Lord, unto this house and unto this people; Come aside in prayer and days of fasting. A time, a time, says the Lord is upon thee to separate unto the Lord and to seek His face. And if thou will do it, I will come to thee and I will visit thee. And I will pour out My Spirit upon thee and I will show thee great and mighty things according to Jeremiah 33:3. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Lift up thy heart this night and praise Me in this house. For I have not left thee alone, nor have I left thee without a word. Many shall fall into their own calamity but thou shall come forth out of thy calamity and from out of the things that come against thee and the Lord shall show thee a new day and a new way and a new thing concerning thy life, for the Lord has spoken.

For My prophets and My apostles, says the Lord, and those to whom I have anointed. My apostles and prophets, shall come forth with a greater anointing and to a greater blessing. Their hands shall not be empty as it has been over the past years. For the Lord shall fill up their hands financially. That they shall do the work that God has called them to do and the enemy shall not hinder as he has done saith the Lord, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Obey Me in this house in seeking My face and coming aside and thou shall know the plan and the purposes as well as the blessing that I have prepared for thee saith the Lord and thou shall get up and lift up a praise to the Lord because of what He has done. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Thus saith the Lord.

9/3/2018 Mon PM- Word For The House


For I have not left thee alone, says the Lord, and I will come to thee soon. You that hear Me; You that have heard My voice to come aside and seek Me out and seek My face. Those things that you have no direction, don't know which way to take, the Lord shall soon come to thee in thy searching and in thy seeking for Me. The day of thy fast, says the Lord, will I empower My angel to come to thee and thou shall be visited strongly by the Lord. Thou shall know the way that I take thee. Thou shall know the door thou must pass through as well as the one that has to be closed. Fear not for the enemy has sought to destroy thee. Fear not for the wicked one and all his deception, even behind thy back, to devour thee, deceive, consume by the powers of darkness. I see his hand says the Lord and I know what he has tried but this is the day of your deliverance. You hear Me, you preachers of the gospel, come aside and seek Me, says the Lord.


When you come in here on the weekends, you will know that I will move in the midst of your life says the Lord. The word of the Lord shall come to thee. But I'm going to visit many of you, outside this place, says the Lord, in your homes, in your automobiles, out where you walk and pray. I'm going to come to thee, saith the Lord, and visit thee and speak to thee. Some shall go away for a while and I will come to thee and I will show thee the perfectness of My will. Thou shall know the perfect will of God and where thou hast not known it, where thou hast been concerning that which is perfect, what I divinely have for thee says the Lord, what has been for many, has been in part of that which is perfect is about to come. And that which has been in part is going to be done away with.


Hear me, go seek My face. Call upon Me and soon I will come unto thee and I will visit thee. And where thou hast not known the perfectness of My will, where thou has been overloaded and the enemy has vexed thee, and beat thee and burdened thee down, shall the Lord lift thee up and a new blessing shall come and surround thee roundabout. The heaviness shall go away and I will restore even the years, says the Lord on your flesh. I will restore years that have been taken from you and I will give back to thee says the Lord. 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 years will I restore back to your youth and give back to thee says the Lord and the enemy will not be able to touch thee. This is a day says God, that no longer shall you be consumed by the enemy. For the Lord shall consume the enemy on thy behalf.


Go and seek Me, saith the Lord, and sit on My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. For the Lord has spoken. Go and sit on My right hand and seek Me and sit there says the Lord until I make your enemies your footstool. Praise Me in this house. For the anointing shall increase before the year comes to a close. And I will pour out My Spirit in these services says the Lord. And you will see a greater move of My anointing and people shall be healed by the power of God. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Praise Me, Ye that are My children, praise Me this night for I have spoken.

8/27/2018 Mon. PM- Word For The House


And I'm going to be with you, says the Lord, in this hour and you shall know that I am close. For My Spirit shall abide, says the Lord, where it has not been... But My Spirit shall come alongside thee and walk with thee and thou shall know that the time that thou has been in has changed. And not only has it changed, saith the Lord but I've destroyed the yoke. The yoke shall be devoured, destroyed, it shall be removed and thou shall go on, says the Lord, with Me. And the closeness of what the enemy has tried to take from Me and thee, the Lord shall swallow that up. That thou shall come back into a place with Me, where some of you have been with the Lord in times past. And thy relationship shall become greater than what it was. For I see where the enemy has gone in and where he has worked his work in this day. Even through the money system to discourage My people, but I say unto thee that I the Lord shall walk close to thee.


Now, thou shall sense His presence as well as His angels that is sent to thee.  And you that do know Me, I say lift up your hearts, this night. Draw nigh unto Me. Come into your prayer closets, saith the Lord, and come aside to seek Me out before this month is finished. For I say, you've got a few days and a visitation shall fall upon thee and thou shall know that I have given it unto thee by the Holy Ghost by the power of God. For I am with thee and I will not lose My inheritance. I will not lose My people, says the Lord, that belong to Me. I will not lose the seed, says the Lord, that I have invested My Word and My Spirit and My anointing in. For this is the day, that I draw thee out unto Myself. I draw thee out of, Amen, even where the enemy like a snare has snared thee but I say thou shall come out from the snare says the Lord of the fouler and I will gather thee as I did in the past, says the Lord, and My anointing will rest upon thee in a great way and I will restore thee back to  the place that thou hast missed in walking with Me. For I see the enemy and where he has got in, but now I close the door on him.


And ye that are My children this night that can hear My voice, lift up your heart in this place and praise Me. For the anointing shall only get greater and My spirit  and My presence shall only get greater. And those that come into thy life to know thee, they should know thee by the Spirit of God that rest upon thee and they too shall be touched by the power of God, that will flow out of thy life because of the closeness that you've come into. Praise Me in this house this night, for I have spoken and I have sent My angel, saith the Lord, ... that thou shall be visited, for it is already breaking forth upon My people; for the Lord has spoken. Thus saith the Lord.

8/6/2018 Mon PM- Corporate Word For All #1

Carry My word, says the Lord. Take My word and take the things I have taught thee as a people and begin to minister and carry that anointing that I've given thee for the people thou art sent to. Know not that this is the day of restoration for all things for those that have this ministry of mercy and of reconciliation. But the Lord shall reconcile all things and the Lord shall restore all things. Go on out and carry My words, says the Lord and I will heal your families. I will save your children. I will turn their lifestyles to the Lord and to His ways. But it shall be that you've gone out with My word, you've gone out to become My voice, you've gone out to be My minister. And when thou hast said in thy own heart, I am nobody and who can hear me, for the Lord shall raise up those nobodies and the first shall be last and the last shall be first. And as I have left it in My word, it shall be so, says the Lord. In My scriptures, you who will carry My word and be faithful in your ministry, I will restore children. I will restore lifestyles. I will restore finances. I will give back. I will give back 40 years. I will give back 20 years. I will give back 30 years. I will give back, says the Lord, the years that have been stolen by the powers of darkness.

And I speak to thee this night because I have sought to mature thee and to raise thee up towards My spirit and towards My anointing, to hear My voice and to know that only and to follow that and to not follow what others in this day follow by that which is a spirit that is not of God. You that know My spirit shall go on, says the Lord, and as you step into your ministry this year, you that have no way to step into a ministry, I will open the door. You that have no money to step into a ministry, shall step into a ministry. Go out and start being used of Me, says the Lord. For I am with thee and My spirit is upon thee and I will not leave thee in this day but I will strengthen thee with a new strength. And thou shall become strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. And thou shall know in the years that are before thee that shall come to pass, that thou shall see My hand from one year to the next in what I will do for you if you will go carry My word and become My voice and become My preacher. For the Lord has spoken. Lift up your heart in this house and praise Me. Lift up your heart in this house and praise Me.

8/6/2018 Mon. PM- Corporate Word For All #2


And I'm going to bless this house says the Lord. And I'm going to bless the people that love My work and love My ministry. I'm going to bless those that love My word and love the revelation of My word and the anointing of the Spirit that comes through preaching. And those that draw to that, those that come here for that, thy cup shall run over and you shall see, says the Lord that I am going to prosper you and where you've desired to bless this house and could not, and where you've desired to give offerings and could not, the Lord says I will come to thee and I will bless thee this year that thou shall be able to bring that which thou could not bring in a long time or never hast thou brought it to the Lord. For the Lord has spoken.

Do you not know that I know thee and I know who thou art? And I will bring thee forth says the Lord and where thy cup has been empty, I'm going to cause thy cup financially to fill up, for it is My word that I speak this night. Hear it, for it shall come to pass. This year shall be a year that I will move for those who have desired to bless this ministry but couldn't do it and they will bring offerings to the Lord and bless this house. For the Lord has spoken. For the Lord has spoken.


Corporate Word - 7/2/2018 Mon PM


For I the Lord would say unto those who are my messengers, your faith shall take you further than what you realize. Thou shall cross over great water, over great seas and go into distant lands, distant countries to carry my word. And I will be with thee for signs, miracles and wonders. Behold, this is a day saith the Lord, that where the heavens have not brought forth that which has to do with prosperity. This is a day that prosperity shall come for My ministers, for My teachers, for My pastors, for those that are willing and obedient to go out to be a voice in the earth. I will empower you with finances saith the Lord that thou shall work. And thy hands shall not be empty as it has in the past.


For I will show thee a new thing saith God. It is even now at the door. Even this week saith the Lord, if you'll begin to set aside days to come aside in prayer and fasting, I will come to thee and I will speak to thee. You that know not what way to go concerning thy ministry, what door to take, thou shall know before the heat of the summer has passed. Thou shall know the direction that I want to take thy ministry. Where thy cup has been empty, the finances have been little, I will increase unto thee the wealth that has not been there because thou art My laborers and I will labor with thee in the field and thou shall not be alone in thy work.


And where thou has issues in this day because of the spirit that is in My house, many have lost their hunger. There shall be a return saith the Lord unto Me. There shall be a restoration of My power that's been lost. But I say unto thee, it is going to come through you and it's going to come through your ministry and it's going to come as you go out, as you begin to carry My word, as you begin to lay hands on the sick, as you begin to prophesy. I will raise up a new generation that will seek Me out and will walk with Me in the day that they have sought Me, they will be found of Me. For My hand is upon you; saith the Lord. I the Lord shall give thee direction. Thou shall have direction and thou shall know the way saith the Lord. As My disciples knew the way as they followed Me in the way.


Lift up thy heart this night, for what I have said and spoken concerning ministries, you'll begin to see that this is the year for many saith the Lord. I will begin to open your doors and you will go out and you will become a blessing unto this day by the Holy Ghost. For the mouth of Lord has spoken, and I will rebuke the devour saith the Lord. I will come against powers and principalities that hinder and get in thy way and try to hamper the work and stop that which I have ordained to come forth. I the Lord shall destroy the powers, saith the Lord, before thy face and for thy eyes to see. And thou shall see saith the Lord that this is a day that I give thee liberty. Liberty. Liberty where there hasn't been liberty and I'm going to bless thee till thy cup runs over.


And you will raise up men and women under your command and under your watch and under that which I have given thee concerning your ministry, that will become as strong as you and others will become stronger. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house, for I have never left thee saith the Lord. I have never left thee without a word and many of you, I am going to bless you and it's going to be through what you do and where you put your hand to the plow and begin to labor and to plant the seed of My word, that's where your blessing is coming in this year saith the Lord. That's where your door of blessing is coming in, that you make the step to go out and I will be with thee for a miracle. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Go, and preach My word in My name. In My name heal the sick. In My name, cast out devils. In My name, raise the dead. In My name, saith the Lord. Go do the work that I have called thee to do and I will bless thee as My people have always been blessed in following their God. For the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house.


I will give thee the wealth of the Gentiles, and I will cause the sinner to bring forth their blessing and heap it up upon your doorstep saith the Lord. I will move upon celebrity people. I will move on the wealth and the wealthy of this day and I will cause the door to open for your ministries saith the Lord and where there has been little finances that you couldn't go, you're going to go in this day and much of what is going to come in shall not come in through My own people but through door that I am going to open up outside the church. Doors that are going to open up through the hands of sinners and the wicked that are of this day.


Look for it, saith the Lord, and turn not down one blessing that I bring your way for it is to propriate the gospel of the kingdom. Go preach My kingdom and I will be with thee saith the Lord and where others have not been obedient My house to hold up your hands saith the Lord to carry My word. I will raise up the sinner to hold up your hands. I will raise up the wicked and the ungodly. I will raise up business men that don't even know Me, to hold up your ministry. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house.

6/4/2018 Monday Night - Word For The House

For I will restore to you the years that the locusts and the palmerworm have eaten up. That which has been taken away shall come back. That which has been removed shall be restored. That which has closed up shall open again. For I am God says the Lord and what the enemy has done, shall be broken, shall be destroyed and the Lord shall cause thee to see this is a day, that is not like yesterday. Your eyes shall open up and you will begin to see in a new way and where thou hast not been able to see thy way says the Lord, from this hour forth, thou shall know the way that I go, and the way that I take My people in this day.

For I see your faith,  and I see your desire to follow Me, but I also see, saith the Lord, where the enemy has tried to hold thee back and hinder thee from what I have already ordained to come to past. But His power shall be broken from this night forth. And if you'll praise Me in this house, you will begin to see before the end of this year a restoration of things that have been taken. That the Lord is going to give it back in a greater kind. He's going to give it back in a greater quality. He's going to give it back in a greater quantity and thou shall know that I have spoken in this house saith the Lord.

For I will cause rivers to flow through your life and you will begin to see saith the Lord, that the desert shall begin to blossom. The dryness of what has been shall go away and a renewing of a new light and a new glory, shall rest upon thee. And I will bring thee up saith the Lord from out of the low places and thou shall sit in a high place in Me. And if you'll hear My voice this night and believe and praise Me and go out of here believing that from this day, this is a new day, this is a new hour for the people of God. Praise Me in this house and the anointing shall go with thee and I will destroy the yoke off of the enemy that is against your ministries, against your households. I will destroy the yoke off of thy mind that has tried to oppress thee. Lift up thy voice and praise Me in this house. For behold, I, the Lord restore all things, all things that have been taken. Give Me praise, says the Lord, and My Spirit shall go with thee.

6/3/2018 Sun AM- Word For The House


And I will make you, your mothers and fathers, I will make you, says the Lord, for you are your children's salvation. For what I have planned, says the Lord, I will give back and I will take out of the hands of the devil your children. You that seek Me out, you that come near unto Me this year, I say unto thee, that the lives of these little ones shall not be lost to the spirit of this day that has consumed them and taken them. But thou shall be the salvation of thy children in thy obedience and what thou must obey.

Hear My voice and know that I am leading you to obey Me this year. And as you obey Me, I will steal your children out of the hands of the enemy, the wicked one that has taken them away. Their minds, the reality of who I am shall come back to them says the Lord through you. And as you go on says the Lord, I speak unto those that are mothers and fathers in this house. I will save thy household as I have saved others in times past. For the wicked one have no power over Me. For I am a God of gods and Lord of lords and I will cause thee to know My hand for thy children saith the Lord. Obey Me and all things shall turn saith the Lord and you will give Me praise all the days of your life in your living for the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house, you that are parents. Praise Me, saith the Lord.

5/28/2018 Mon PM- Word For The House


Cry out unto Me in this house, says the Lord, and I will hear your prayer. I'll hear thy praying and thy intercession. Come before Me with weeping and with a broken spirit. Bring your hearts and not your garments, says the Lord, and this is the day that I will answer from on high saith the Lord. I will arise and my enemies that are in your lives are going to be scattered. Hell has no authority on My people anymore.


For those that cry out unto me and those that yield their spirit into prayer and into hours of intercession, it shall come to pass that thou shall hear from heaven. For if a son ask his father for a thing that he desires to have, shall he give his son a stone. I say unto thee as you cry out unto Me, thou shall ask the Lord and the Lord shall bring the heavens and drop down upon thee and the thing that thou hast asked shall come to pass. Pray! Says the Lord, in this house. Go out from this place and let thy spirit be set afire with intercession and I the Lord am going to answer thee and I'm going to cause the miracles to come. Knock on My door, says the Lord. Call on My heaven and I will hear thee and I will deliver thee in this hour of affliction. For the Lord has spoken. 

4/30/2018 Mon PM- Word For The House


For there shall be a shift in the heavens saith the Lord. A change, for behold I change the times and the seasons. As it was prophesied in Babylon in days of old and I say unto thee this night, that I have the authority to change your times and your seasons. And you will know that I am the Lord God, even He who writteth with His hand on the wall in the house of Nebuchadnezzar, in the house of Babylon. I write in this day behold the Lord shall do His own thing with His people and I will bring you forth. And I will change your times and I will change the seasons saith the Lord concerning your life. Even now, things are changing. You will not leave this year without knowing that I am the Lord God of the supernatural. The supernatural.

Lift up your hands and praise Me, for now I change your season and I change your time. I change the temperature of the day saith the Lord. And I bring about My Will saith the Lord for My people and for those that have loved Me, and have loved My work and have been destroyed by this day because of the spirit that is in My church. I the Lord shall dig My people out and bring them forth and restore them. They will see My hand from this day forth and know that I am God. In this house, if you will praise Me, for I have never left thee alone. I have always spoken to thee. Lift up your hands and praise Me in this house says the Lord at the end of this service. And My spirit will go with thee to your homes and thou shall be visited even in the night, even in your dreams thou shall be visited by the Lord and thou shall know that I am God and I've not changed saith Lord even though the church has tried to change Me. And I'm going to bring forth your blessing now and if you'll praise Me for it, it shall come to pass even before the week is finished you'll know that I have moved, for the Lord has spoken. For the Lord has spoken.

1/30/2018 Tues PM- Word For The House

For the Lord shall give you eyes within your eyes and you shall begin to see saith the Lord in a way that as a people in this day who walk before Me and seek to know Me and know My way and know My Spirit that I have sent forth and released for My people to have. This shall be the hour saith the Lord that I will give thee eyes within thy eyes and thou shall be whole even as I see says the Lord and thou shall have and understand the giftings of what I left when the Holy Ghost was poured out saith the Lord on the day of Pentecost.

I left the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, I left prophecy, I left all these things for My people. And I caused those in the book of Acts, to have eyes within their eyes, and I say I will cause thee from this day forth for you that seek Me. Even as you go into this month of February saith the Lord, thou shall come into a place that thine eyes shall get open spiritually and you will begin to prophecy. You will begin to speak words of knowledge. You will begin to speak with words of wisdom. For I have brought thee under this anointing to mature thee and to grow thee up and to bring thee to a place of perfection and to bring forth your ministries.

And this is the day saith the Lord that because thou has endured a great fight of affliction and sense that in you have been illuminated, saith the Lord, you have fought a good fight of faith. This is the hour that I will cause the veil to fall off of thine eyes and thou shall see into people's lives around thee and thou shall have the word of the Lord for your generation and for the people of this day for this of a new move and a new outpour of My Spirit that has not been for a long time and if you will praise Me in this house this night and lift up thy voice, yea thou shall go forth from this place and thou shall have the eyes of the Lord, that shall look out from thy eyes, for the Lord has spoken. Thus saith the Lord.

CORPORATE WORD - January 23rd, 2018 (Tuesday Night Service)

For I have called many of you, said the Lord, into a healing ministry and this is the year that I am going to heal the sick. I'm going to cleanse the leper. I'm going to cleanse the hepatitis C. I'm going to cleanse the HIV. I'm going to cleanse, says the Lord, terminal cancer that cannot be healed, nor can the people be delivered from it. And I will cause My miracles to be made real for the people that I have ordained for that ministry to flow.


And I say unto thee, I've brought you here says God, That I would raise thee up for this ministry for such a time as this and thou shall go out and lay hands on the sick as Jesus did and thou shall see them recover. For it is time for you to arise. Time for your anointing to begin. It's time for that healing to flow. It's time for My word to be made real for this generation and if you will decide to rise up and put on boldness, I'm going to flow through you saith the Lord and My miracles are going to be made real. For I am calling you into a healing ministry saith the Lord. Many miracles shall happen before 2018 comes to a close, for the Lord has spoken.

CORPORATE WORD - September 25, 2017

"Why do you wondereth thus?" saith the Lord; For this is a day that I will do a new thing in the earth, saith the Lord with My people, those that come aside and seek My face and call upon Me. Those that come into My presence, saith the Lord in fasting, separation. It shall come to pass that I will visit My people in a strong way in this hour. Thou shall not live without the miracles. Thou shall not live without what I have given in yester years and generations gone by. Thou shall be a people that no what matter what doesn't happen for others in this day, I say unto thee that, ye who seek Me out, call upon Me for I am near, it shall come to pass that I will pour out My spirit in a way that it has not been poured out. Thou shall begin to experience it, even in your own ministries. Where thou hast had no miracles, thou shall have miracles and where thou has had no healing, thou shall have healing. Where there hast had no manifestations of My power for the people thou shall begin to have it saith the Lord. It shall come by separation. It shall come by prayer. It shall come by days of fasting and that you separate and come aside. You call upon Me, saith the Lord. For the Lord shall pour out His spirit as He did in times past. And I will cause little pools of glory to be found here and there, wherever My people are, wherever My chosen preachers are, wherever My anointed ministers are, I will cause an outpour of My spirit to be found in those places.


Even this night saith the Lord, I've allowed these things to happen to show thee that this is a new day, a new hour, a new time for your ministry, a new time for the anointing of God. Fear not the people. Fear not this generation saith the Lord but go forth in power. Go forth in My name everywhere you go. For this the time I will do an unusual work and I will do a supernatural thing with those to whom seek My face and call upon Me and fast and pray. It shall come to pass saith the Lord, that thou shall be a minister unto the Lord in this day, that so many shall draw to thee because of what I have given thee by the Spirit of God.


Praise Me in this house. For I have not left thee alone. Where I have left others alone and I have let them go on with their traditions and with their religion but I have allowed thee to be blessed in My presence. Lift up your voice and praise Me this night. For I have heard your prayers. I have seen your tears. I have heard thy crying out and I the Lord am going to answer thee, ye ministers of God. For the Lord has spoken. Praise Me in this house this night.

CORPORATE WORD - August 13th, 2017

For this a day that I have spoken, saith the Lord, but the ears of the people have been closed. And I've tried to come to thee many times to bring My wisdom and My knowledge to thee but you refused it. But this is a day saith the Lord God that I will raise up many that shall be an example of what it means to hear Me and obey Me and follow after the things that I have showed though wisdom and knowledge. But the time is upon thee, saith the Lord, that I will raise up those that have allowed Me to mature them in their minds and in their hearts and in their spirits. But those that have gone on the way of a fool, saith the Lord, shall be brought down. They shall be brought down by their own wisdom. They shall be brought down by their own knowledge. Did I not say in the old testament, did I not speak in that time saith the Lord that I will stand away from thee; I will back up from thee? And I will stand in the corner and watch thee and see what thy end shall be. That is not My choosing saith the Lord. That is not what I want for My people as it was for Israel. That in their own will, they destroyed themselves. In their own knowledge and wisdom, they destroyed themselves.


But I say unto thee hear Me, hear Me, was not My commandment to Israel was hear O Israel the word of the Lord but many have not heard Me in My speaking. But I will raise up examples now saith the Lord that even before the month of October, shall come forth a miracle on the doorstep of the church saith the Lord in this day. That many shall be provoked to jealousy because of what I am going to do with this one here and that one there and another one over here. But the rest saith the Lord shall go down to the pit because they have chosen that. But I will exalt a people in this day who are hearing Me as well as My wisdom and My knowledge and they put it on and they've changed their lives saith the Lord through My wisdom.


Lift up your hands and your hearts before Me that I might cleanse thee this day from wrong thinking and wrong believing; that in this saith the Lord I will purge thee of that which does not belong to thee . And thou shall come into a new place with thy God. Even before the heat of the summer is finished, I the Lord shall bring thee into a new place with Me. And thou shall glorify Me because I the Lord did not allow thee to go down to the pit because thou was willing to open up thy ear and because thou was willing to open up thy ear to hear Me, I brought thee up from out of a horrible place. And thou shall stand saith the Lord and not be broken, not be destroyed as others are destroyed in this day. And thou shall come forth like pure gold as I've already spoken in this house. Praise Me this day, for thou art My Gold in the earth, thou art My praise in the earth, thou art My Glory in the earth, thou art My Honor in the earth saith the Lord. Thou art My People. Lift up thy heart and praise Me this day and if you will begin to praise Me, I will begin to destroy the yoke on your minds and on your hearts that keep thee back from hearing Me to obey, for the Lord has spoken this day. Thus saith the Lord.

CORPORATE WORD - July 9th, 2017

Soon you shall see that this is a day saith the Lord, that I will bring many from behind that I might bring them ahead. Soon you shall see that this is an hour, says God that many who thought that they had greater blessings than thee and a greater walk in life than what you have, soon they shall see that I've brought you forth and I've brought your blessing forth, that your blessing shall be greater than what is in their hands and what they do in life and where they walk in life. Soon they shall see, saith the Lord, that as it was with My Abrahams of old and others to whom I put My great blessing upon, that I've made thee as I said in the Old Testament, the head and not the tail. And that everything that thou shall  put thy hands to do shall prosper and shall come forth unto prosperity and blessings.


Soon thou shall see, saith the Lord, that what I've given thee by My Word is real and that it is truth. You that have believed in it, soon I will bring thee forth, for I have left thee behind. I've let thee be in a place where I've let others go before thee and it looked like they prospered better than thee. They didn't live the walk as I have given it to thee to live, but soon you shall see says the Lord, that I will bring these who look like they're the head, I will make them the tail but I will bring thee from behind and I will lift thee up and I will show thee to others in this day for what I have ordained, and for what I will do saith the Lord. For My miracles are hidden saith the Lord, for seasons. What I decide to do, I've allowed generations to go by before I decide to bring it forth but now this is the time says God, that which is hidden, I will now show it, reveal it.


And you will now know it says Lord, you to whom have walked with Me, that this is the day that I will turn the tables and I will make thee the head and not the tail. I will bring thee from behind that I might put thee ahead. And I will bless thee to where thy cup shall run over. And a generation shall follow thee and be blessed because they shall learn of thee. They shall learn of thee and shall learn of the things that I have taught thee. Where generations have been lost, saith the Lord and have not been able to find their way saith God unto this day, it shall come to pass and a generation shall awake behind thee and shall find their way because of thee, because of what I am going to do with thee, How I will bring thee forth and How I will lift thee up, is the way that I am going to lift them up and bring them forth. They shall follow thee in the way.


Did not Jesus, did He not walk in the day of His flesh, He was on His way to Jerusalem and His disciples followed Him in the way? Now I say unto thee this shall be a generation that shall follow thee, that shall learn of Me says the Lord through thee and they shall find the blessing that I've made thee to find, for the Lord has spoken this day, thus saith the Lord.

WORD FOR THE HOUSE - Tuesday, 6/27/17 - 7:30PM Service


For I, the Lord, have hid myself for a long time. But know ye not my people that this is the hour that I will show myself and reveal myself, in My house, amongst My people. I will bring forth My glory that has not been, for many days, many weeks, many months, years that thou hast passed through thou has not seen the fullness of My glory. Thou shall see My glory, for it is already begun. For this is the day of drawing back, for I will draw My people back unto Me. I will draw them back into My authority. I will draw them back into My power. I will draw them back into My Spirit. And into My Presence. 


And where the world and the spirit of this day has taken so many of My people aside, and have drawn them away from who I am, this shall be the hour that I will pull them back into Me. And My glory shall be unveiled and revealed where it has been hidden for a long time. And I will show my miracles. I will show my healing power. I will show my hand, saith the Lord. And you shall know that I am still God in the earth. For the Lord shall do  things the way that He has ordained them to be done.And I have seen thee saith the Lord and where thou has been. But this is the day that I will draw thee back, and this is the day that I will draw thee out of the darkness and this is the time that I will gather my people once again, under the cloud of My glory. And I will pour out My Spirit saith the Lord in the earth. And I will pour out great revivals, amongst My children, amongst My people. And I will destroy the yokes. I will cause the miracles of yesterday to be made to be the miracles of this day and of this hour. And where Satan has so troubled and tormented My people, this shall be the hour that I will destroy his yoke and his power. And you shall lift up a new praise unto God. You shall lift up a new praise unto God. For I step in, and did I not say in My Word, let the Lord arise, for His enemies shall be scattered. For I am getting ready to scatter the enemies of my people and I'm getting ready to bring forth My people and call them and gather them under myself. Even as I gathered Israel under My brood, I will gather thee this day under My brood and thou shall know Me in a way thou hast not known Me in a long time. For this is the day thou shall see My glory and give Me praise in this house. Lift up thy hearts. Lift up those hands. For I draw thee back into My Presence, For the Lord has spoken. For the Lord has spoken. For the Lord has spoken. Thus saith the Lord.

CORPORATE WORD - April, 4, 2017 - Miracle Monday Night


For new doors shall open into the mission fields; And I will send out many of you to the Mission Fields. All the way from Europe to India, to Africa and to the uttermost parts of the world.

Seek My purpose for your life and fulfill that which I've ordained for you. And for those who do this shall find prosperity and every good thing from the Lord. 

Seek My face, seek My will and purpose for your life and go after that diligently. Fast and Pray!

WORD FOR THE HOUSE – Sun. 2pm Service 8/16/2015


And if you’ll hear me, says the Lord, for I have already spoken and I have already brought forth my word in times past. Even this year and in this house, says the Lord, I have filled this place with My voice and with My words that I have spoken. Some have taken those words and obeyed them; others have laid them on the shelf for another time. For those that have heard Me; those that have risen up to walk after what I have said, what I have spoken, shall know that this is an age and a time and a year that I will bring a restoration into thy life that has not been for many years. And you will see how that I am going to restore all things that have been taken. And I’m going to give it back with a greater kind, with a greater quality, with a greater quantity. Thou shall have it in a way that you have not had it in times past, for I am the Lord thy God. I am Lord over that which is dead, but I am also Lord over that which is alive.


And thou has come to this time, saith the Lord, right even here in the heat of this summer, for the Lord has spoken to thee; some have taken it to heart while others have not heard it at all. But you that have heard it, and have begun to obey the things that I’ve spoken even this year to seek me out in prayer and days of fasting, thou shall become the first - those to whom I put my power upon, and bring thee forth to restore thee and to redeem thee from that which has been of many years, where the enemy has taken and stolen and destroyed. And I will give back into your life, saith the Lord, for I am the Lord your God. And it is God that shall change all things for His people who hear Him. And you that have heard me in this house shall know that this is the time by those things that I will do. That those that have obeyed, says the Lord, shall begin to testify and tell of the goodness of what God has begun to do. For the Lord has spoken, for the Lord has spoken.


Praise Me, for this is the time that I have ordained a new praise and a new joy. This is the time that I have ordained a new rejoicing for the people of God. And where there has been no rejoicing, where there has been no praise thou shall have a new praise and a new joy given unto thee and even unto thy households because of what the Lord shall begin to bring forth and show for all to see. For the Lord has spoken. In this house praise Me; for I have not left thee without My Spirit, I’ve not left thee without My word, I’ve not left thee without My anointing, I’ve not left thee, saith the Lord, without the movement of My power, for My Spirit has always been here, saith the Lord, and will continue to be here for those who will hear me, and will receive that which I have ordained for the people of this age. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Look now and behold, and see that which I will bring forth. Even before the heat of the summer is past, thou shall know that I am the God of restoration – who restoreth all things. Thus saith the Lord!

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